Thursday, February 28, 2013

Essay Prompt #1
Describe a custom from your country that you would like people from other countries to adopt. Explain your choice, using specific reasons and examples.

Customs are a unique form of cultural inheritance done from many ages ago. In each country we continue with our customs and try to preserve them. However as globalization occurs now it’s a timeline where we all share our beneficial customs as the world is now connected as one. So because of this I would like to introduce the public bath custom in Korea. Many foreigners would think that this custom would be an absurd one as they are accustomed to bathing alone. However in Korea it’s a very common custom and I would obstinately recommend it to other countries. The reasons are mainly because of growth in intimacy and the obtainment of respect for the elderly.

           In other countries seeing each other naked is something to be ashamed of. But in Korea it is a way to increase each other’s intimacy. I would like to explain this on two levels. First, the growth in intimacy between families. Family is considered as the basic unit of education and society. So if interaction and cooperation between families goes well it’s more likely to result in better life styles and results. Public bath customs in Korea enables families to interact better. For instance, by going to the public bath we can speak freely of our troubles. This prevents problems before happening. This is a great solution for parents that lack the proper means of helping their children. Children feel much more comfortable if they think their parents are caring for them. Washing together is a way to accomplish that.

Second, I would like to view this issue on a social level. The reason why Korean people could unite so easily is because of the bathing custom. When going to the public bathroom people rub each other’s backs without even knowing them. They feel safe enough to leave their body unprotected and without trust this is impossible. By trusting each other by physical contact is the reason how Koreans have maintained a strong bond to each other. For example, look at the 2002 world-cup. Hundreds of people gathered around the city hall to cheer for a football game. Even economists think that the main reason Korea could rise so rapidly from poverty is because of the stiff intimacy we have. However other countries lack the strong bonding between people. So by adopting the public bath custom it helps on their possibility to unite on a social level.

Finally, people can obtain the respect for the elderly by going to the public bath. We often realize that western countries are not used to respecting their elderly. But while in a public bath we can learn respect. For example, in Korea young people give up their seats for the elderly to take the hot tub. We even rub their backs for them and help them bathe. If we enact upon these situations naturally foreigners would get the sense of respect that they lack because of culture. As a global society is coming nearer respect between people are being emphasized and this custom can help them getting used to respect.

           In conclusion, the bathing custom in Korea is how Koreans maintained social intimacy and respect for the elderly. The strong bonding is how we can develop and stay peaceful between countries. Public baths aren't the only cause of these advisable results but it certainly helped in accomplishing these factors. So I obdurately wish other countries adopted this particular custom, the public bath.
Posted by Unknown On 11:51 PM 8 comments READ MORE

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ganggangsullae (강강술래)

- What we usually Know -

1. Ganggangsullae is a Korean Traditional Dance that we do at August in the Lunar Calendar. Known to be in act at Choosuk (Korean Traditional Holiday).

2. Usually done at night with groups of women nationally.

3. The most known women dance in Korea and is known to  have the most feminine beauty.

"I was attempting to fully translate and understand the song mentioned above (ganggangsullae), so if anyone would be keen enough to have a go at explaining it on their blog."                 
-Mr. Menard- 

What a big problem! It's usually hard for foreigners to understand the cultures of Korea. So Today we will explore the wonders of Ganggangsullae and comprehend it.

Women doing Ganggangsullae
-What we should Know-

1. The meaning of Ganggangsullae 

2. When and where does it take place

3. Various Versions of Ganggangsullae (Translated in English)

4. What we can learn from Ganggangsullae

- The Meaning of Ganggangsullae - 

Doing Ganggangsullae in front of
General Lee-Sun-Shin...
Ganggangsullae, the name is unfamiliar to most foreigners. But in Korea it is perhaps the most well known traditional dance. Then a questions raises in mind. "What is the meaning of Ganggangsullae? Well it sounds like a medicine..." But I'm here to explain about it. Gangangsullae is a Korean Traditional Women Group Dance to explain concisely. It is told that the first Ganggangsullae was done in a battle including General Lee-Sun-Shin(이순신). When the famous 임지왜란 occurred General Lee-Sun-Shin used Ganggangsullae as a battle strategy. He ordered the women to dress up like men and told them to turn around and around to make an illusion that there were more soldiers than there usually was.

-When and Where does Ganggangsullae take place?-

Doing Ganggangsullae at
정월대보름(Jung Wall Dae Bo Reum)

So hopefully now you know what ganggangsullae is about and what it means to Koreans historically. Then when does this event take place and where is this custom done? To give you the short answer Chuseok. Korea's major holiday Chuseok is when most of the Ganggangsullae is done. But it is known that in 정월대보름 - Jung Wall Dae Bo Reum (January 15th in Lunar Calendar) we carry on this tradition too. So recently it was 정월대보름 and many people would have danced ganggangsullae together.

Now we know when, but where? At first it was only done as a memorial in 호남(전라남도, 전라북도, Korean regions) as 호남 was where ganggangsullae was originated. But as it began to spread to the entire nation ganggangsullae became a part of Korean Culture.

Various Versions of Ganggangsullae (Translated in English) -

<1st Version>

강강술래 강강술래
Ganggangsullae, Ganggangsullae

산아 산아 추영산아 놀기 좋다 유달산아
Mounatain, Mountain Mt.Chuyoung A good place to play, Mt. Youdal

강강술래 강강술래
Ganggangsullae, Ganggangsullae

꽃이 피면 화산이요 잎이 피면 청산이라
If the flower blossoms it's a volcano, if leaves come out it's a green Mountain.

강강술래 강강술래
Ganggangsullae, Ganggangsullae

청산 화산 넘어가면 우리 부모를 모시려만
If we climb Mt. Green and a Volcano we would go and take care of our parents

강강술래 강강술래
Ganggangsullae, Ganggangsullae

우리 부모 명자씨는 어느 책에가 씌여 있나
Our Parent Myungja, which book are you in

강강술래 강강술래
Ganggangsullae, Ganggangsullae

The first impression you may get when you first see this line you might think "What the heck?" If you read this there are many metaphors made. For example, we explain a flower blossomed mountain as a volcano because we can imagine a mountain full with color as a lava flowing mountain. Can you make the connection? My mind is imagining the scene right now... To help I'll post pictures.

 Can you see the remarkable resemblance of the two???

The way that the lava flows
The way the red flowers are positioned

Aren't they similar?


Now let's move on.

The another sentence that we should focus on is this.

"Our Parent Myungja, which book are you in"

What could this possibly mean?
What does it portray?

In order to understand this line we must examine the previous sentence.

"If we climb Mt. Green and a Volcano we would go and take care of our parents" 

It shows the Korean custom to care for the elderly. But to do that we need to go a far way to visit our parents. There were no transportation at that time. We needed to ride a horse or walk all the way. So there could be many interpretations but the main reason seems to be locating the parents whereabouts. Books tell us information and maybe
in order to find and care for our parents we needed books... It might sound strange but it's the interpretation that I did for the line. If you have other inspiring ideas feel free to post comments.

<2nd Version>

강강술래 강강술래
Ganggangsullae, Ganggangsullae

달떠 온다 달떠 온다
The moon is rising The moon is rising

강강술래 강강술래
Ganggangsullae, Ganggangsullae

동해 동창 달떠 온다
East sea, East... The moon is rising

저- 달이 뉘달인가
Whose moon is that

강호방네 달이라고
It's Ganghobang's Moon

강호방은 어디 가고
Then where is Ganghobang

저 달 뜬 줄 모른단가
Doesn't he know that the moon has risen

So let's try an interpretation with this one too. So mainly this is about the moon rising. But what does it mean if the moon rises? The moon is the only thing that shines in the night bright enough to show light. In Korea the moon was a symbol of grieve and longing. So as we can see in the lines further we can see that someone is longing for a man called Ganghobang.

Or another interpretation could be made about this line

"Doesn't he know that the moon has risen?" So maybe lovers would try to meet when the full moon was up and whisper their love. Maybe it was a love that couldn't be accomplished. We can put the concept of historical perspective of social levels here. The couples had different social levels so it was impossible for them to continue on with their love. This was common in Korea historically and there are many stories involving this  particular issue.

- What we can learn from Ganggangsullae -

Ganggangsullae is a Korean Traditional Song sung from many regions and it shows the Korean Feeling of Longing. We know that the longing was because of the differences in social levels.

I hope that this posting helped lots of Foreigners understand the true meaning of Ganggangsullae and even Koreans as well.

Thank you for reading this far and I hope you find interest in other Korean Customs too ^^ ~~
Posted by Unknown On 8:30 PM 2 comments READ MORE

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

In terms of writing there are so many categories to accomplish. That's why many people are often afraid of writing. So these are the many categories and aspects that I want to improve through out the course

1. Usuage of accurate vocabulary

I believe that vocabulary is essential in writing. Using the right vocabulary at the right time is a skill that is not mastered easily.I hope to achieve this skill by memorizing certain vocabs and using them in writings. Problems occur in writing that involves delivery if we cannot find the accurate vocabulary word. I wish to solve this particular problem.

2. Getting familiar with various types of writing

I'm mostly familiar with the TOEFL writing only. But in order to be a good writer you need to be fluent in all kinds of writing styles and types. So I would like to write biographies and a variety of essays to familiarize myself with writing. Reading the MLA Handbook might be effective.

So these are the main two goals that I wish to accomplish on this semester. I hope to overcome my weaknesses in writing and become comfortable with it. ^O^
Posted by Unknown On 11:44 PM No comments READ MORE

"The Biggest answers often come from the Smallest questions." 

I was produced when I was 1

I saw the world when I was 6

I made myself when I was 12

I completed myself when I was 15

I wore a mask when I was 16

Now I'm a Chinese Mask Changer...

Well this is all you need to know about me. You might ask yourselves "What is this guy playing at? It's just a bunch of random numbers and events happening!" However these lines explain my whole life and now you know me so well that we may have been friends for 10 years. But, I'll try to elaborate a little bit further.

#1  I was produced when I was 1

  - This is a very general statement. We are all produced when we were one. But why use the word produce? Not  born? The answer to that question lies in the way we view individuals. We say that we are unique and I agree with that. But when we are all born we are computers made in a factory. We don't have any memories or files that make us unique. We are all the same models but as we grow and insert various information we become unique. It is up to us how we insert those information. We may turn out to be a hacker's computer. Then we may turn out to be a computer for researchers and students.

#2 I saw the world when I was 6

 - I began to interact with other human beings my age when I was 6. The door to cooperation, understanding and consideration had opened. To put it simply, Kindergarten. As a young age I didn't get the concept of other human beings. I viewed the world with egocentrism. Concern for others was a virtue that I did not have. To overcome it, many suns had to pass over the mid night sky.

#3 I made myself when I was 12

 - We all want other people to percive you as a kind and generous person. But in fact we all want to pursue our needs and that's natural. So we all make an image of ourselves for others to view. Age 12 was when I made myself. I wanted other people to view me as active, cooperative, fun and likable. So I tried to be kind to other people and I approached them to make them feel comfortable. And these ideas formed myself and became the current me.

#4 I completed myself when I was 15

 - It was the age when I truly thought about myself and asked the general question "Who Am I?" I was... I thought about my career, the things I liked and the things I loved. But these didn't define me. I wondered "Why?" The answer was simple others can think of these as well. Then what's the only thing that makes me unique? The only software that makes myself and me.

#5 I wore a mask when I was 16 and Now I'm a Chinese Mask Changer

 - We wear masks to hide our identity. But they actually represent us when we wear them. I tried to put on various masks to find out who I was. Now I'm a Chinese Mask Changer to find out about which mask fits the best. To be confident when I take off that mask and find out that the mask was actually my original face.

I lived a life with certainty. I had a clear goal and a dream to accomplish. But as I grew I began to quesetion myself and I asked myself questions that I didn't have the answer to. My whole life was just a bunch of statements not a question. So now I would like to define myself and understand myself.

P.S. If you are curious...

Name: Hosung Kim (A)

Current Dream: Finance Engineerer (But changing constantly ^^)

Birthday: June 23rd, 1997

Hobbies: Swimming, Reading, Playing the Piano, Listening to New Age Music

What I love: Great Movies, Good Books, A good-hearted Person, Piano ^O^~~

What I abhor: Being forced to Dance, Horrible Books, An ill-tempered Person >.<

Thank you for reading~~ ^^
Posted by Unknown On 9:45 PM No comments READ MORE

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hello, to all who read my blog~

Hi! my name is Hosung, Kim (A) or you can call me Pierre.
This is actually the first blog that I would be posting on... I'm really not familiar with it  but I'll try to do my best~

The title of my blog would be "A Journey to Begin" The reason I chose this title is very simple. We refer to a challenge as a Journey. For example, in the movie "Hobbit: The Unexpected Journey" Bilbo Baggin's first adventure is named as a "Journey"... (Well literally it was a Journey but anyway you get the point~ ^_^)
So I would like to call posting a Journey to Begin. So give me any kind of advice in doing so and I hope to post wonderful and fun things during my Frosh year~

Sincerely, Hosung, Kim (A)
Posted by Unknown On 6:32 PM 1 comment READ MORE
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