Tuesday, February 26, 2013

In terms of writing there are so many categories to accomplish. That's why many people are often afraid of writing. So these are the many categories and aspects that I want to improve through out the course

1. Usuage of accurate vocabulary

I believe that vocabulary is essential in writing. Using the right vocabulary at the right time is a skill that is not mastered easily.I hope to achieve this skill by memorizing certain vocabs and using them in writings. Problems occur in writing that involves delivery if we cannot find the accurate vocabulary word. I wish to solve this particular problem.

2. Getting familiar with various types of writing

I'm mostly familiar with the TOEFL writing only. But in order to be a good writer you need to be fluent in all kinds of writing styles and types. So I would like to write biographies and a variety of essays to familiarize myself with writing. Reading the MLA Handbook might be effective.

So these are the main two goals that I wish to accomplish on this semester. I hope to overcome my weaknesses in writing and become comfortable with it. ^O^
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    A Journey into the realms of writing!