Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hello, to all who read my blog~

Hi! my name is Hosung, Kim (A) or you can call me Pierre.
This is actually the first blog that I would be posting on... I'm really not familiar with it  but I'll try to do my best~

The title of my blog would be "A Journey to Begin" The reason I chose this title is very simple. We refer to a challenge as a Journey. For example, in the movie "Hobbit: The Unexpected Journey" Bilbo Baggin's first adventure is named as a "Journey"... (Well literally it was a Journey but anyway you get the point~ ^_^)
So I would like to call posting a Journey to Begin. So give me any kind of advice in doing so and I hope to post wonderful and fun things during my Frosh year~

Sincerely, Hosung, Kim (A)
Posted by Unknown On 6:32 PM 1 comment

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    A Journey into the realms of writing!