Friday, June 14, 2013

I Love Swimming

And after the Gangwon-Athletic Competition my love has never been higher.
This year the swimming team known as "H2O" has earned 7 Medals total.

1 Gold Medal

2 Silver Medals

4 Bronze Medals

and among these various medals not even a single one has my name on it.
Then, why does my love for swimming increase when I didn't even accomplish anything?
This year swimming has given me a clear goal.
A goal that I will never forget.
Let me tell you the whole story.

I started swimming because of my parents. My parents insisted that I learned swimming as it had been their life's dream to learn swimming. But as they were poor they've never actually got the chance to learn any. So my journey begins with my parents.

I started learning Freestyle, Backstroke, Breaststroke, and Butterfly. Every vacation I went to the  city pool to learn swimming. I was pretty good as I won several medals with backstroke and freestyle. With three medals I thought my journey ended then...

Then came KMLA!!!
This chance, this unpredictable school had invited me back to the realms of swimming. When it was time to choose student clubs, I remember a sign grasping my eye. 

"JOIN H2O - KMLA Swimming Team"

Photo of the KMLA Swimming Team!
I hesitated for a moment...
Thinking 'Is swimming my way. Is it my road to destiny?'
The answer was "Yes"
I don't know why but a "Yes" sign was hovering over my head.

After the historical moment, a meeting was assembled. All H2O members were obligated to do a physical test!!
Push-ups, jump ropes, running tests it was hard...
After the test, 17th waver Bum-Jun Choo had given us an assignment to work out everyday!

1. 20 push-ups everyday
2. Don't use the elevator, use the stairs...
3. Everyday at the end of class run the track
4. 300 jump-ropes everyday

From February to March I was pretty good at keeping these physical assignments. But as time passed one by one these assignments were gone from my head as the wind blows over mountains and rivers.

Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday the swimming team goes out for practice to a near by pool. Honestly, it's not that nearby as it takes about 30 minutes to get there by bus. We change into our swimming suits and go inside.

In the club we do what is called "Fin Swimming" Here's a video to demonstrate.

I was supposed to learn diving, turning, and fin swimming for 3 months and go out on a competition. It seemed reckless but I tried it anyway as I always love a good challenge.
I was going out for 400m, 800m fin swimming. 
For a moment I thought 'Maybe... I might win a medal...'

Turns out I was the first to go out. Without thinking I was doomed. With 14 competitors I was 4th!!! Counting from the back ㅠ.ㅠ

Our swimming teacher, kangsan, and me!
This was the most embarrassing moment of my life. I thought I did enough. I thought it was enough but no... The world was cold as the north wind blows upon the mountains of ice. 
I dumped my head down and was despairing...

'What went wrong?' I kept thinking to myself.
I was too slow... Because I needed to swim 400m I thought conserving my strength was important... But no... You need to be at full speed from the beginning...

The experience taught me how to dive, how to turn, and how to fin swim. Next year...
I promise you... Two Gold Medals will be hanging over my neck!!!

Remember! I will practice for a year and will come back to get that first place. Just wait...
And if you read through the whole thing always remind me to work on fin swimming. Just try to motivate me...

I'll be waiting 2014!!!
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